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Power Pooches was inspired by noticing a lack of educational programs regarding dogs with anxiety and emotional issues


Hi I am Jake and I adopted Sasha June 2020. She had such a profound effect on my life that I created Power Pooches, a dog walking and training service specialising in helping dogs with anxiety issues.


I have ADHD and anxiety. During the covid lockdown I was working from home and lived two hours from my family. The loneliness really affected me to the point I was a regular caller to beyond blue. 


I had my name down to foster a dog and eventually Sasha came to me.  I was to look after her for 1 week, but, within 24 hours I was hooked and so I adopted her. I knew Sasha had separation anxiety and already had plans on how to help her, but after a few difficult walks, I noticed there was something else going on - a fear of dogs. â€‹


​Before Sasha, the only dog I had was when I was 14 years old. Most of my life has been without dogs around me, in fact, I have been in the entertainment industry, fitness, events and similar, but never working with dogs. So I did not know how to go about helping Sasha.​


I made a commitment to help her, so I hired a trainer, paid hundreds for a behaviorist, read books, spent loads on equipment, asked people, watched videos, followed social media, researched, remade the garden, changed my schedule, and much more, to accommodate her needs.

After all of this work and slowly getting results, I felt a calling to help Dogs and guardians develop a better relationship,

just like the one Sasha and myself are creating. 

I became a behaviorist/trainer/educator advocating for ALL dogs!

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© 2024 by Jake and Sasha. Power Pooches AU (registered) & Power Pooches all rights reserved.  Website designed by Power Pooches, Australia.  Created using Wix  ABN: 27 721 069 760 - Jake Cini

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